Sophia Spirituality Center
Single Women’s Retreat: All the Joy You Bring
Sophia Spirituality Center 751 S. 8th Street, Atchison, KSThis retreat will be rescheduled, as a result of inclement weather anticipated during it's originally planned dates. If you would like to be notified of the new dates, please visit the event paage to do so.
Coffee & Silence–A Prayerful Day Away
Sophia Spirituality Center 751 S. 8th Street, Atchison, KSExperience the rejuvenation that a quiet, peaceful day away can bring. Join us for Coffee & Silence—a mini-retreat for you.
A Contemplative Retreat with Julian of Norwich (4-week series)
Sophia Spirituality Center 751 S. 8th Street, Atchison, KSWe invite you to join with others in learning about Julian and her beautiful and timeless work, Revelations of Divine Love.
Enneagram Workshop: The Nine Faces of God
Sophia Spirituality Center 751 S. 8th Street, Atchison, KSExplore the Enneagram, a spiritual tool from the ancient Christian desert tradition, to deepen self-understanding and compassion. Through oral and visual instruction, this workshop emphasizes personal discovery and growth in relationships and self-awareness.
Re-inhabiting Paradise: Desert Spirituality and Contemplative Ecology
Sophia Spirituality Center 751 S. 8th Street, Atchison, KSThe desert mothers and fathers lived as if Paradise were present, embodying a deep connection between contemplation and ecology. This retreat explores early monastic teachings to inspire transformed, restorative relationships within the community of creation.
Witnesses to Unity: An Octave of Prayers for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
Join us in this special week of prayers for unity amongst all Christians!
Divine Harmonies—Exploring Spiritual Themes in Broadway Musicals
Sophia Spirituality Center 751 S. 8th Street, Atchison, KSEach year, thousands enjoy the magic of musicals, stories that linger through song and dance. Join us for a few days exploring classic musicals and discover their lessons on faith, morals, and our connection to God.
Souljourners Inquiry Session
Sophia Spirituality Center 751 S. 8th Street, Atchison, KSJoin us for one of our inquiry sessions where we will talk about what you can expect during the program, as well as some of the more practical aspects, such as time and cost commitment.
Voices of the Heart: Exploring the Psalms (in 2 parts)
Sophia Spirituality Center 751 S. 8th Street, Atchison, KSThe Biblical book of Psalms give voice to the heart in the experience of all life-situations and human emotions.
The Book of Hours
Sophia Spirituality Center 751 S. 8th Street, Atchison, KSIn our hurried lives, we often miss the present moment. This retreat offers an experiential journey through the Benedictine liturgical hours, exploring each hour’s gift through music, prayer, and art. Create your own “Book of Hours” as a reminder to tune into your days with presence, praise, and gratitude.
Love—A Reflection of God
Sophia Spirituality Center 751 S. 8th Street, Atchison, KSLove is what leads us to our fullest potential, allows us to mirror the image of God dwelling within us, and reflect it outward to others.
Benedictine Values for Beginners (a 4-week series)
Sophia Spirituality Center 751 S. 8th Street, Atchison, KSHave you wanted to learn about Benedictine spirituality and the Rule of St Benedict, but you just weren’t quite sure where to start? Then this is just the thing for you.